Tonight, as each night he was on his way from his work to home. Well, “home” isn’t the right word for small dark and cold flat with few pieces of ramshackle furniture and damaged bed in it. Each night spent in his empty and quiet flat was like a knife slowly cutting his already mutilated soul into smaller and smaller pieces. Sometimes he stopped in the moment and was waiting only for the sound of falling splinters of his heart on the ground, but he had never heard that, even he knew it was truth. He often woke up nauseated in the middle of the night on the sound of his heart beating extremely quickly or on the sudden feeling of tension in his body and he couldn’t explain why. Many times he stayed awake. He was just sitting on broken chair and looking out of the dirty window on the lights of the city. Covered by old blanket he was trying to his mind from thoughts about sleep and to endure; he was too afraid of his visions of darkness in his dreams which wanted to engulf him. His life ended long time ago, when his only love left him alone in this world full of loneliness and depression. He was filled with anger and envy when he saw a couple staggering down the street intoxicated with love, he hated noises and nightlife and each food or drink wasn’t enough delicious for him anymore, but he wanted to vomit every time when he felt the taste of it on his mouth. The lightest moments of his present life were in his work in lawyer’s office. In past he didn’t like it much, but now it was the only thing that life had left him and also the only way to escape from his empty life without any mission. Even pressure of responsibilities from his boss didn’t make him furious, but satisfied him, because he could stay longer out of his flat where he felt like each wall is going to fell down on him. His boss often pitied him, but he never made his salary higher even he knew that this man was his best worker because he knew that he was too humble to say that he wants higher salary. Without his beloved wife, without children who didn’t care about him and his life, he was desperately alone. He felt sorry for all mistakes that he had done but he couldn’t improve them now. He remembered the time when his family was complete and he was too timid to tell to his son that he loved him very much. He never told about his feelings to anyone, because he was afraid that he would loose his dignity if he would share with his emotions. Now, walking down the street he got a sudden inspiration and he was sure that it’s the way to attain peace. He went to harbour, borrowed one small skiff and rove, got further from the seaside and listened to the calming sound of water that confirmed his decision. He stood up, fixed his clothes and jumped into ice cold water that lightly hug him and didn’t allow him to fill lungs with air. Cold water was flowing on him from every side, but it didn’t matter to him, because he finally found what he wanted – his heart wasn’t broken any more, he saw a face of his wife in front of him and he felt peace.

 Vymyslený príbeh
nikita606  11. 5. 2008 14:27
Bleeee nenavidim anglictinuuu
hellium  11. 5. 2008 14:29
sad, but very well deskripted...

(in spite of small mistakes-articles are always difficult)
hellium  11. 5. 2008 14:30

dreamagall  11. 5. 2008 14:33
Konečne niekto kto vie po anglicky, jazykovo dobré aj ked pár chybičiek, páčilo sa mi že nepoužívaš len jednoduché slová.

Príbeh sa mi zdal príliš roztiahnutý a melodramatický ale inak v pohode. Trochu mi vadili príliš dlhé vety ale celkovo je moj dojem dobrý.
dreamagall  11. 5. 2008 14:34
3. nie náhodou deskriptive? Described?
dreamagall  11. 5. 2008 14:35
grr, aj ja som sa pomýlila - deskriptive
dreamagall  11. 5. 2008 14:36
dreamagall  11. 5. 2008 14:37
asi vyzerám jak debilko ale fakt mi tam nejde napísať to slovo, píše to s k miesto c DESCRIPTIVE
neway  11. 5. 2008 18:42
bez tvojho upozornenia by sme si nevšimli že to je v angličtine
kikilota  11. 5. 2008 20:13
moja necelo sa mi to citat ale vem ze je to super ved to pisala moja lasocka nie??
mariettuska  11. 5. 2008 20:18
dakujem za uzasne commenty haaa, kikus to vystihla a upozornenie ze je to v anglictine aby ste sa potom nahodou nezlakli haldy cuzdich kominacii pismenok
debinka  12. 5. 2008 21:14
oo no to je dokonale diel ale nejde mi do hlavy preco si to MOJA lasocka dala tam po anglicky co takto nejaky text v slovencine??
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