@lvanbeethoven ale moj najoblubenejší je asi hráči kedže mam rad poker a fakt sa podaril ten film aj herci top , a ešte posledny mohykan to možem dookola pozerat
Ja som to videla asi 3x a furt som tomu filmu nepochopila, tak som si vyvodila vlastný záver o alternatívnych realitách, ale nepokladám ho za najlepší film len preto, že je mu ťažké porozumieť
keď tu je niekto, kto by mi to chcel vysvetliť, tak budem rada
In the beginning a jet engine crashes through Donnie’s bedroom. The jet engine is actually from the future. There was a corruption in time and the engine fell through it and arrived on October 2nd. This has now created a Tangent Universe (TU) and the next 28 days is set in this alternate reality. This TU will only last 28 days, 6 hours 42 minutes and 12 seconds before it collapses and destroys itself and the Primary Universe.
Artifacts are evidence that a TU has been created, they are made from metal. The jet engine in this case is the Artifact. The only way to prevent the universe being destroyed is to guide the Artifact back into the Primary Universe through a time portal. This will close the TU and restore the Primary Universe at the point the TU was created (Oct 2nd).
Donnie is chosen as the Living Receiver. It’s the Living Receiver’s role to guide the Artifact back to the Primary Universe. The Living Receiver is usually blessed with some supernatural powers during their time in the TU including Increased strength, the ability to conjure fire and water and telekinesis.
He uses strength to bury the axe into the school water pipe and solid bronze mascot.
He uses fire to burn Jim Cunningham’s house down
He constructs a time portal from water.
He uses telekinesis to rip the jet engine off the plane to send it through the time portal.
Anyone connected to the Living Receiver who dies in the TU becomes Manipulated Dead. These people are very powerful and have the ability to travel through time. Frank is killed in the TU and therefore becomes one of the Manipulated Dead. He travels back in time and helps Donnie with his quest to return the Artifact. The first thing he must do is save Donnie by waking him up before he gets squashed by the jet engine. He is like a reverse ghost who appears before he was killed.
All the people connected to the Living Receiver are the Manipulated Living and these people will subconsciously help guide the Living receiver. They will behave in the exact perfect way necessary to push Donnie toward his eventual destiny. Nearly every event in the film has a specific purpose designed to aid Donnie to save the Universe. The driving force behind there behaviour is God; It’s actually a very religious film, the idea that you follow God’s channel to decide your own fate. God is moving all the characters around like pieces on a chessboard, making a sequence of events that will lead to Donnie’s success.
At the end of the film a timestorm starts to form as Donnie drives up the mountain, it’s the beginning of the TU collapse and is centred over Donnie’s house which is where the TU began. Donnie constructs a time portal from water and guides the engine through it. This restores the Primary Universe back to October 2nd, the birth of the TU. The last 28 days never happened and Donnie wakes up in his bed laughing. The jet engine Donnie sent through the time portal then falls into his bedroom killing him.
@salora množstvo určite nie, a ak si to myslíš tak si pozri darka ešte raz, je to dokonala skladačka,vyžaduje nejake zamyslenie ,nie je to len linearny pribeh ako ine filmy(hoc aj nelinearne poskladany ako overhypovane pulp-fiction)
Moc nepozerám filmy a ani nepoznám ale najviac sa mi páčil doteraz veľmi epický Mechanický Pomaranč (aj keď možno skor mi sympatie sposobila kniha) a úplne najlepší Enter The Void v ktorom bol načtrnutý priebeh reinkarnácie. Pretože to bolo niečo úplne nové a krásne spracované. žiadna prvoplánová sračka, celý film som premýšľala, že ako to sakra skončí.
@lvanbeethoven OK, máš pravdu... nemá význam sa baviť na túto tému resp. o niekoho film. či akomkoľvek vkuse... 100 ľudí 100 chutí... Len nabudúce daj nejakú anketu, ktorá má zmysel
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
31 komentov
good will hunting
za mňa
keď tu je niekto, kto by mi to chcel vysvetliť, tak budem rada
In the beginning a jet engine crashes through Donnie’s bedroom. The jet engine is actually from the future. There was a corruption in time and the engine fell through it and arrived on October 2nd. This has now created a Tangent Universe (TU) and the next 28 days is set in this alternate reality. This TU will only last 28 days, 6 hours 42 minutes and 12 seconds before it collapses and destroys itself and the Primary Universe.
Artifacts are evidence that a TU has been created, they are made from metal. The jet engine in this case is the Artifact. The only way to prevent the universe being destroyed is to guide the Artifact back into the Primary Universe through a time portal. This will close the TU and restore the Primary Universe at the point the TU was created (Oct 2nd).
Donnie is chosen as the Living Receiver. It’s the Living Receiver’s role to guide the Artifact back to the Primary Universe. The Living Receiver is usually blessed with some supernatural powers during their time in the TU including Increased strength, the ability to conjure fire and water and telekinesis.
He uses strength to bury the axe into the school water pipe and solid bronze mascot.
He uses fire to burn Jim Cunningham’s house down
He constructs a time portal from water.
He uses telekinesis to rip the jet engine off the plane to send it through the time portal.
Anyone connected to the Living Receiver who dies in the TU becomes Manipulated Dead. These people are very powerful and have the ability to travel through time. Frank is killed in the TU and therefore becomes one of the Manipulated Dead. He travels back in time and helps Donnie with his quest to return the Artifact. The first thing he must do is save Donnie by waking him up before he gets squashed by the jet engine. He is like a reverse ghost who appears before he was killed.
All the people connected to the Living Receiver are the Manipulated Living and these people will subconsciously help guide the Living receiver. They will behave in the exact perfect way necessary to push Donnie toward his eventual destiny. Nearly every event in the film has a specific purpose designed to aid Donnie to save the Universe. The driving force behind there behaviour is God; It’s actually a very religious film, the idea that you follow God’s channel to decide your own fate. God is moving all the characters around like pieces on a chessboard, making a sequence of events that will lead to Donnie’s success.
At the end of the film a timestorm starts to form as Donnie drives up the mountain, it’s the beginning of the TU collapse and is centred over Donnie’s house which is where the TU began. Donnie constructs a time portal from water and guides the engine through it. This restores the Primary Universe back to October 2nd, the birth of the TU. The last 28 days never happened and Donnie wakes up in his bed laughing. The jet engine Donnie sent through the time portal then falls into his bedroom killing him.
» www.csfd.cz/film/8653-schin...
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