So here I am, still stuck in bloody England, hoping for the Christmas atmosphere I know I'll never get to come....

I wish I could be at my Grandma's tomorrow, eating homemade biscuits, stealing chocolate off the Christmas tree and fighting with my cousins over remote control. Silly, I have never though I would miss these things....I always just assumed they will be there. They seemed so normal, ordinary, and too simple to appreciate. But now it's what I crave most. I want you all to keep this in mind this Christmas. Enjoy the festive cheer and stop complaining how this time of year annoys you and how it is all just commercial bullshit. I certainly wish I could. Because Slovakian Christmas is truly the best Christmas there is!

You see, this is going to be my 3rd Christmas in England. I shouldn’t really call it that though...This circus doesn’t deserve to be called Christmas. Let’s just call it festivities, shall we? First of all, here where I am, they don’t get snow. I know, I know, some of you don’t get snow either, but me, being a northern tatras girl; I just can help but complain! And these festivities, they are ALL about drink and being drunk and passing out and fighting drunk and more drink in England. Seriously, I am not joking. They get presents and Christmas lunch on 25th, so, on 24th they all go to pubs and clubs and get blind-drunk. Which means they are too hangover to enjoy any kind of family celebration day after...And it’s no only 24th, they get pissed pretty much every day of Christmas holidays! Is this really what it should be about? Who can get drunk more times in a week?

My mum tries really hard to create that special Christmas feeling for me and my sister, but it’s just not the same....Try eating Christmas dinner having to listen to drunken Englishmen on the streets! And, to top it all, my dear boyfriend had to go home to spend week with his family. He gets snow as well, because it’s up north...! I can’t help but feel jealous, of him. And you all. And that’s not how I should be feeling right now, is it?

 Je to možné?
ayreen  24. 12. 2008 09:04
Hmm...why didn´t you come home? Why are you still there?
azel  24. 12. 2008 13:35
Ach jaj, ked si uz zabudla slovencinu, co takto pouzit Google translator?
miluskaaa  24. 12. 2008 14:23
No neviem @azel , vzdy som si myslela ze do svojho blogu si mozem pisat co chcem...a v jazyku v akom chcem...ale tak mozno ty mas pravdu a ja som sprosta
ayreen  24. 12. 2008 15:02
preboha Azel, blogy v angličtine niekedy vyznejú oveľa prirodzenejšie...že translator...pekne som sa zasmiala.

a miluska má pravdu, je to jej webka a jej vec.

a k Money - to ťa ani na pár dní nepustili?
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