In my life there is a lot of important thing and people. But only a few of them have accompanied me for so long as my intestines did.

Firstly, they have to cope with all that unhealthy food i put into my mouth every day over and over again. Even for me it is hard to imagine how can it transform chocolate (what is a kind of food I eat most frequently) into all the nutrients I need.

Secondly in the world that surrounds me there is a lot of viruses and bacteria just waiting to make their imperium from my body. Most cells of my immunity system reside in my intestines.

The above two facts are well known, but they are just one piece of jigsaw.

Everybody knows the feeling coming out of your stomach, when you are in danger telling you "get out of here" od "do not do it". Maybe you will not believe it, but it is not your brain, it is the nervous system of your intestinal tract. And my intestines have been always right. If they were not i could not write this.

On the other hand it is not just telling me what to do not, but also "make me feel" that something is good for me. I love the feeling after a bicycle trip when I feel as if I were empty. It is one of things i love about cycling.

Last but not least I am often very lazy and do not want to even move. What gives me a signal to interrupt that state? If you guess it is feeling of hunger you are right. Where would I get if i were not hungry. I would probably do nothing for all my life.

Living without intestines is unconceivable for me. It not only keeps me moving but it also gives my movement the right direction telling me what to do and what to do not. I can fool my brain, but I cannot fool my intestines.

carowna  7. 3. 2008 19:27
You´re right. I thing I could not imagine my life without intestines too. They always warn me if something is wrong or OK. Good blog
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