In these days everywhere I turn I can hear people saying 'I would like to be famous! I would like to be rich and beautiful! It must be great!' But I have to ask myself 'Why?'

Yes, of course, it must be great to have so much money. You can buy everything you want. Luxurious cars, expensive holidays, beautiful villas. Yes, what an amazing world!' You can be on TV, on posters. Everybody wants to interview you, to know you, to be your best friend, there are a lot of wonderful parties, and so on...

In fact, only some people realize the negative sight of this 'splendid' life. Personally, I think to be famous is not only about parties and buying everything you want. Actually, it is all about loneliness. About being known and not known at the same time. People do not know anything about your true 'identity', about what you really think and what you are like. You just feel so lonely because there is nobody to help you, to take care of you, to be interested in you in other ways than what you wear, what is your behaviour as a celebrity like.

It is also all about fear. You have to be afraid all the time, 24 hours a day. You have to be afraid of bothering photographers and paparazzi. You cannot leave your own house without being followed. There is no private life for you anymore. At least one stalker appears every year. Strange telephones, emails, terrifying presents like dollies without their heads, mysterious messages left in your room. Then you have to be guarded everywhere you go. Hidden behind a huge number of muscular and armed bodyguards.

But then what is this life all about? About nothing but loneliness, fear and hiding. In the end there are left only reasons for not to be famous, not to be known. Only strong wishes, prayers for being anonymous.

My own opinion is that it is better to be anonymous for media and not so rich, but much happier in life. Because the fame takes so much but gives only a little and it does not worth.

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