In order not to confuse the title with something else just very brief introduce: Black Books is few-years-old serial from Britain.
When it is said „British serial“ some of us can think just about a kind of humour, which for us does not make any sense and seems just stupid. Well, it is hard to tell if we are wrong in all the cases, but in this one, at least I think, we are. And I am about to give you a few reasons.
The main character of Black Books is Bernard Black, who owns a book shop where is a majority of scenes placed. Bernard is, well, alcoholic (I´ll bet now you showed some signs of interest). To be more specific, he is a drunken pessimist, who hates people and likes to insult everybody (and smokes a lot). This brings a lot of funny situations, which can at the beginning appear just like already mentioned “stupid” and superficial English humour. But as soon as you got used to a different kind of entertainment you was accustomed to, you will definitely change your mind.
Of course, he is not the only one included in a story. There is also his assistant Manny, who could look more like servant, not assistant. Even over a lot of ”injustices” and not very nice behaviour from Bernard, he stays with him and tries to help as much as he can.
Then there is a friend of Bernard called Fran, who has a shop with decorating and useless things (whose purpose even she often can´t recognise) just next door. And, well, she likes drinking wine often, too.
So, that was just a brief view, to see what I am talking about, watch.

-The sitcom won BAFTA award.
- It was aired form 2000-2004
-Has just 3 series, each has 6 episodes.

Dylan Moran (Bernard Black)
Bill Bailey (Manny Bianco)
Tamsin Graig (Fran Katzemjammer )

sugy1  23. 9. 2011 21:39
poznám ten seriál, ale nebude toto skopčené?
ssnehulienka  23. 9. 2011 21:43
@sugy1 na jednej strane som ťa šla zdrbkať za to ,že si schopný myslieť si o mne, že by som šla skopšiť nejakú vec a vycapiť si ju tu. (aj napriek tej zátvorke v názve)

na druhej strane, ak si myslíš, že je to skopčené, budem naivne dúfať, že sa ti to zdá kvalitné

Do kelu toto som ja písala!
sugy1  23. 9. 2011 21:46
tak potom klobúk dolu a 5* my lady
ssnehulienka  23. 9. 2011 21:59
@sugy1 no ešteže tak!

a kto ti dal právo si ma privlastniť?

a prečo si ma vlastne privlastňuješ,

Btw zaobstaráš aj mne jedného ohýbača? :ˇ)
lilli88  23. 9. 2011 22:58
Black books a It crowd perfektne britske serialy, neni o com
flegma1triedy  23. 9. 2011 23:34
dobre a jednoducho napísané
flussica  24. 9. 2011 22:36
Kokos, počúvaj ma, čo Ti tu teraz napíšem!

Prosímťa veľkodušne, zmeň farbu pozadia alebo písmen, pretože tá kombinácia farieb je pre moje oči absolútne srmtiaca . Ak chceš, aby som si niečo ešte niekedy prečítala a nebodaj ešte v angličtine a chceš ma pri tom zabiť, si na echt správnej ceste.

Teraz si dám pauzu a idem to dočítať .
ssnehulienka  24. 9. 2011 22:38
@flussica ach aká som bola naivná ked so msi myslela, že mi tu ideš nejaku pochvalu napisat

a musi mta sklamat, pretože tu webku som robila prvy a psoeldny krat asi pred rokom a už s nou nemienim aspno dost dlhu dobu hybat
flussica  25. 9. 2011 00:18
Ale no! Stačí upraviť jednu vec.. prepísať osem písmen alebo šesť znakov alebo dokonca len dva (obrazové body)...

A k tej naivite - veď sa neboj, dočítala som zdarne do konca a vravím, že to nebolo zlé, ale zas.. ja mám dosť nízku latku, tak neviem, či Ťa to uspokojí .
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