rainbow´s gone
and storm´s gone too
im watching from the window
surrounded by room

silence is now outhere
braking by bird´s song from somwhere
im reminding
of everything
what was good
what was bad
what is alive
and what is dead

im thinking how
how the heaven
could gone so wrong
how did everithing
we have built
simply cave in

its because of sin
or unfulfilled dream
cause was so far away
or its just widing way

now its closed
lines are drawn
you are happy
i am down

but right now
it is allright
you are here
or you are there
i am sorry
i dont care
even it was great
and you are bearer of my heart
it is gone
you are gone
job is done

so good bye
bye my dearest
bye my love
eat your breakfast
i won´t to die

im just fighting memory
making it numb
dont worry about me
im not dumb

iwulik  6. 5. 2009 17:46
chlope ja zíram nemám slov...
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