Story: 6
Rozen Maiden Overture is a separate story that tells the history of the relationship between the dolls Shinku and Shogintou. The timeline where it begins is somewhere in the second season but I couldn’t quite place it myself. This aspect doesn’t matter so much since the whole thing is basically a 2 episode flashback.
I didn’t really think it adds really much to the whole series. It is a nice story but I wouldn’t have noticed if it wouldn’t have been told. To me it doesn’t add anything really spectacular. It is a sad background story which is mostly an addition for Rozen Maiden fans.

Animation: 8
The animation is the same as the other Rozen Maiden series and therefore there is of good quality. The atmosphere is more grim and dark though which fits the melancholy of the story. The thing that was done really well is the transformation of Shogintou from an almost cute doll to the wicked doll we know her. I noticed the small differences they put in her expressions and it really adds something the whole picture.

Audio: 8
The opening is once again done by Ali Project and is not really my taste, however this one isn’t as bas as the 2nd seasons. The ending I liked better since it is more soothing, almost comforting which matches the theme quite well. Of course the voice acting has the same quality as the rest of the series so there is really nothing to complain about.

Character development: 6.5
Since this prequel only lasts 2 episodes, the character development is down to a minimum. The episodes concentrate on Shinku and Shogintou and their relationship. Shinku is still her old demanding self and not as compassionate as she came to be in the second series. It tells the Story how she pitied Shogintou and how she and Shogintou were friends first and why Shogintou’s hate for Shinku came to be. It does add some sympathy towards Shogintou since Shinku isn’t displayed as merely the good doll here. The other dolls only play minor parts in this story.
We meet the past medium of Shinku, a little rich girl. She adds her opinions on the whole thing but further adds nothing of importance.

Overall: 6.5
Since the great stories of the other series I went in with great expectations, however I was slightly disappointed. To my opinion this story could have seen told in the 2nd season and there wasn’t any need to make a separate appearance. It does have the same quality of sound and animation, but it just isn’t as good as the rest. For the fans it can be a nice addition but it isn’t a must see.

orochimaru  3. 2. 2010 15:23 to dost dobre anime o dvoch bojujucich babikach! ...

..anime kde sa biyju dve zive babikiy {panenkiy} ...

!babika vs. babika!

!panenka vs. panenka!
orochimaru  3. 2. 2010 15:25

orochimaru  3. 2. 2010 15:26

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