65 Doesn"t Understand You by 65 Days Of Static (what a messy song)

talking is the first thing i learnt as a kid. everyone talks, all the time. it doesnt matter with whom, if youre not talking to other people, you are talking to yourself. even when this is the thing we have the longest experience with, it is one of the things that still causes so many problems.

communication. understanding. its all so very hard. why? maybe because everyone no matter how close, thinks a bit differently from each other. that and the fact that nobody talks "too" clearly, we instead assume the other person understands what we are thinking. this causes bad situations where i think i understand you and you think you understand me, but nobody understands anything.

how often havent you fought with someone just because you misunderstood? its pointless fighting for something you dont even mean, so my tip to you is to always make clear what you are thinking before you start arguing too much. theres nothing more frustrating than arguing for fifteen minutes and then realizing your friend just misunderstood you and actually agrees.

but dont ever make the mistake of not talking just because you are afraid of being misunderstood. communication is key. silence can be good, but theres nothing more frustrating than trying to talk with someone who is just quiet. its even frustrating for the quiet one. talking, and listening, is so very exhausting, because we do it so few times. its like we are just talking on the "surface" all the time, if you see what i mean. that doesnt take any effort for anyone, but it also doesnt mean much.

so do yourself a favor, find someone you can really talk deep with, and start sharing your thoughts. its unhealthy to keep it all for yourself

this is just how i think, so im interested in finding out how other people feel. do you think you often have a hard time making yourself understood? and with whom especially? parents? friends? boy or girlfriend? about something in particular? im glad if you decide to share your experiences

thank you for reading, i hope you understood me.

n0win0u  13. 7. 2010 15:47
misunderstanding is a sacrifice, all must forsake in verbal communication, because of downward trend of people using it hardly ever properly or almost not anymore.. amen the internet

btw the key is in us, by talking, we only uncover the lock

however, fine blog cheers
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